

Managing Your Career

Help with finding the career path that's right for you.
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5 Ways a Personal Blog Can Boost Your Career

When I first graduated from business school, I leveraged our school's alumni network to seek advice on securing my first job. One successful businessperson I spoke to advised that starting a blog would be one of the best things I could do to advance in my career. Looking back, I completely agree with this advice. Building a blog is one of the best tools for getting started and advancing in your career field. If you don't have a personal blog yet, I hope to provide some concrete reasons in this article on why you must start one today.

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How Your Work History Affects Your Job Hunt in the New Age of Work

The resume--and other details of the job hunt--certainly are changing. Resumes are morphing into a combination of digital identity and the traditional summary of work experience and skills. And perhaps what has changed the most is how your work history affects your job hunt.

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The Overlooked Values of Working With a Staffing Service

The Overlooked Values of Working With a Staffing Service
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Making LinkedIn Work for You Tips for getting noticed and getting connected

With roughly one new member joining per second, LinkedIn has rapidly developed into a global professional networking superpower. But with so many people competing for attention on the site, it's easy to get lost in the crowd. Here are a few quick tips to help you get noticed (in the right way) and get connected to potential employers.
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Your Career 2.0 Make a smooth transition back into the world of work

Going back to work? You're in good company. According to a recent MetLife Foundation/Civic Ventures survey, somewhere between 5.3 and 8.4 million people aged 44 to 70 have made the transition back to work by launching "encore careers." So if you're headed back to work, prepare yourself for a great career comeback with these tips.
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